

Concept and execution for the original explainer video

What's Hotjar?

Is exactly what we tried to answer! Hotjar was a growing startup (now synonymous in the web experience analytics world) and they wanted to use create a video to introduce them to a new audience.

We worked on bringing out Hotjar's personality and original tone of voice starting with a geeky but at the same time charming music track. The visuals followed this up-beat track while keeping the simple, clean and minimalistic style of the Hotjar brand.

The story

The story is based on guesstimations that web designers and developers make when building websites. Hotjar offers brands proof about their users's behaviours which means there's no need for guessing anymore.

Hotjar's interface is very clean, so we wanted to keep the same look and feel so that the video feels part of the Hotjar Brand. We've added flair and colour to make it entertaining and dynamic, keeping the intelligent, geeky but charming look brought from the music track.

Beast Credits

Producer: Bernard Magri
Art Director: Adrien Kulig
Motion design: Romain Loubersanes
Music & Sound Design: Aimar Molero

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